We are nine months in and I can’t believe we are 3/4 of the way through her first year, it has been so incredible and we are loving every minute of watching her grow. This month we’ve fully upgraded to her big girl seat on the pram but she’s still got lots of space in terms of her straps before she’s comfortable in it. We took her on a big day out at the Trafford Centre and she absolutely loved the view and being able to see everything that was going on around her! Her hair is really starting to fill out and it’s getting thicker so we’re not far away from clips or bobbles going in!
After months and months of teething symptoms, dribbling, biting, teething toys, powders, gels,
Although I can annoy Paul with always wanting to get photographs it kind of came round to bite him as he locked himself out of his phone meaning that he lost every single photograph and video of Evangeline on his phone. This included the very first photographs from when she was born and it was a massive shock, he was obviously heartbroken but we are fortunate that my phone has a ridiculous amount of precious memories on it and now he knows that iCloud is very important to have! So if you’re reading this and have not backed up your phone then this is your reminder!
Eve is definitely getting a lot more active and she’s constantly rolling and spinning on her stomach, I think she’ll definitely be trying to crawl soon and then the heart attacks will start. She absolutely loves swimming and kicking about in the water, it’s her favourite thing and I’m still trying to take her as often as possible but it can be a bit more difficult now I’m juggling working too. The time we have together is so much more important and we are so fortunate to both have jobs that fit well around her and incomes that mean we can enjoy our lives
The last month has been extremely difficult for me after I sadly lost my Great Grandma and Evangeline’s Great Great Grandma. Although I was expecting it, it still came as a massive shock and affected me a lot deeper than I thought. I was overwhelmed with guilt and felt so heartbroken that Eve didn’t have any more time with her but Evangeline has helped me so much over the last few weeks. I honestly do not know what I would have done without her and Paul, she is the perfect distraction from any sadness and there was no way that I could be sad around my girl!
If you’ve enjoyed looking at the photographs then feel free to have a follow of Evangeline’s Instagram to keep up to date with the cute baby spam.