13 Lush Cosmetics Products That You Need In Your Haircare & Skincare Routine

I’ve been working at Lush for a year and half and it is undoubtably the best company I have ever worked for. Some people may presume it’s an easy job due to everyone always being so happy but theres a lot more to the job, you need to learn so much about products and ingredients and all the different factors of products and how they work. One of my favourite things about my job is helping people, I love fixing peoples problems when it comes to skincare and haircare. At every Lush store you are completely free and entitled to a consultation, in which you will try out products and even take away a sample or two to see how you get on with a product before purchasing. When it comes to Skincare and Haircare I think it’s important to make sure a customer is getting exactly what they need!

I thought i’d do a post on my own personal Skincare and Haircare routine and my journey that I’ve had from first using these products to now not being able to live without them. To give you some insight on my hair, it’s naturally straight, very fine and bores me to death. My skin it’s very sensitive and can get dry from time to time, I rarely have any spots but when I do it’s usually 1 large angry one due to alcohol!  Here are my top 6 Haircare and Skincare items from Lush.

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Sea Spray Hair Mist, New Shampoo Bar, Roots Hair Treatment, Big Sea Salt Shampoo, H’Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment and Retread Hair Conditioner.

Sea Spray Hair Mist – £12.95 100g, £24.95 250g
So much power in just on squirt! This works like a hair spray with sea salt as a main ingredient, not only does it fix your style into place but it volumises your hair as well, I love using this in the morning by squirting it into my fingertips and messing up all my hair with it. It gives the perfect amount of lift and gives your hair some lift with a bounce! Main ingredients include Fresh Sea Water, Fine Sea Salt, Neroli Oil, Grapefruit Oil and Rosewood Oil. This product is Vegan.

New Shampoo Bar – £6.50
I used to use a lot of heat on my hair due to it being so straight and wanting to add some body to it, it became so damaged and split and refused to grow. I was so fed up of the condition of it so after a healthy haircut I purchased New. Shampoo bars are a solid reusable product, they wash your hair between 60-80 times and have a shelf life of about 2 years. They are so long lasting and the price is incredible! New is such a popular product in my store, it has a spiced cinnamon scent to stimulate your scalp and helps your hair to grow due to it stimulating your hair follicles. I use this product about once a week, its so quick to use and is great to travel with as it’s compact and can’t be spilt! I’ve seen such a difference in the condition, strength and length of my hair and so have my friends and work colleagues! Main ingredients include Nettle and Peppermint Infusion, Rosemary Absolute, Bay Leaf, Clove Bud Oil and Cinnamon Leaf Oil. This product is Vegan.

Big Sea Salt Shampoo – £6.95 100g,  £13.95 330g, £23.50 600g
One of the first products I ever used from Lush, it has never ever disappointed me! This sea salt based shampoo gives your hair so much volume and shine and leaves it looking incredibly healthy. I always use this before a night out, since using this product my Mum, Stepdad and Boyfriend have all got a tub and love it just as much as me! This is great if you’re wanting some body to your hair and if you want to try something new then this is a definite choice! Main ingredients include Coarse Sea Salt, Fresh Organic Lemon Infusion, Fresh Sea Water, Fresh Organic Lime Juice and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. This product is Vegan.

Roots Hair Treatment – £11.50 225g
Roots is a treatment for your Roots, it helps stimulate your hair follicles and is perfect for fine hair, you use this on dry hair by taking the product in my fingers and massaging it into my scalp, it’s so easy and it’s really nice is you get someone to do it for you! I love the scent of the product and I love how it helps my hair. I use both Roots and H’Suan Wen Hua together once a month. I start by massaging Roots into my scalp for 10-15 minutes and then coat my hair ends with H’Suan. I usually pop a face mask on whilst I’m doing this for a nice little pamper session! Main ingredients include Fresh Mint Infusion, Honey, Peppermint Oil, Sweet Orange Oil and Spearmint Oil.

H’Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment – £9.95 225g, £17.95 500g
H’Suan Wen Hua is a hair mask that you apply to dry hair, from one pot you can get 2 treatments but if your hair is really long it’ll only be enough for one intense treatment. I use H’Suan on the ends of my hair due to the top section of my hair being soft and fluffy and not needing a to condition it, as I do this I get about 4 uses from the pot. This product is super conditioning and really restores your hair back to health. Main ingredients include Fresh Bay Leaf Infusion, Fresh Watercress Infusion, Fresh Organic Free Range Eggs, Fresh Avocado and Fresh Organic Bananas.

Retread Hair Conditioner – £5.95 100g, £11.50 245g, £19.95 460g
I love thick conditioners as I prefer to really feel a product on my hair. When it comes to conditioning my hair I only tend to do the ends, I leave this on for about 10 minutes in the bath before rinsing it out. I tend to only deeply condition my hair once a week but this product just works wonders for it and keeps it feeling so soft and looking shiny. Main ingredients include Soya Milk, Fresh Cantaloupe Melon, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Yoghurt and Organic Avocado Oil.


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Angels On Bare Skin Facial Cleanser, Mask Of Magnaminty Face and Body Mask, Full Of Grace Facial Serum and Breath Of Fresh Air Toner Water.

Angels On Bare Skin Facial Cleanser – £7.50 100g, £18.75 250g
Beautiful, simple and works wonders, great for any dryness that I experience and for an all over facial cleanse. This product can be used daily but I use it a couple of times a week, the cleansers are so fresh as we pot them all up in our store weekly. With Lavender and Camomile as the main ingredients this product is incredibly soothing and keeps your skin in balance. Main ingredients include Ground Almonds, Kaolin, Lavender Oil, Rose Absolute and Chamomile Blue Oil. This product is Vegan.

Mask Of Magnaminty Face and Body Mask – £6.95 125g, £12.50 315g
This is holy grail kind of product that everyone needs to try out. It’s super minty and smells incredible and has the shelf life of a good few months, it’s so good for any spots especially ones that are trapped underneath your skin. It brings spots to the surface and also helps with any redness and soothes your skin from any pain, its perfect to put on whilst you’re sat in a bath! Main ingredients are Peppermint Oil, Kaolin, Honey, Talc and Organic Ground Aduki Beans.

Full Of Grace Facial Serum – £8.25
A facial serum sinks into the second layer of your skin, whilst all other products sit on the first layer and surface of your skin. This solid bar melts to the temperature of your skin, I use this before I go to sleep at night to keep my skin moisturised and to stop any dryness. I also have used this product under my foundation to give a dewey and highlighted effect on my skin. This product is great to use before putting on a face mask as it then sinks to the second layer of skin for a greater benefit and it lasts forever with you only needing to use a tiny amount at a time. Main ingredients include Murumuru Butter, Calamine Powder, Capuacu Butter, Fresh Rose Petal Infusion and Organic Almond Oil. This product is Vegan.

Breath Of Fresh Air Toner Water – £4.95 100g, £9.50 250g
I use Toner water in the morning to refresh my skin and to wake me up, it’s incredibly easy to use by just spritzing it onto your face. It opens up your pores and cleans your skin and can help with anything trapped in your pores. Lush do 3 kinds of toner waters and this one is perfect for all skin types, it smells so fresh and makes my skin feel amazing. Main ingredients include Spring Water, Fresh Sea Water, Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel, Rose Absolute and Patchouli Oil. This product is Vegan.

Grease Lightening Spot Treatment (Not Photographed) – £6.95
The BEST thing you could ever put on a spot, especially the super red and painful ones! This jelly based product lasts forever and one pump onto your finger can be enough to treat 2 or 3 spots. I put this on at night and it calms them right down, especially the redness and also relives the pain and irritation of the spot. I would recommend this product to anyone whether you’re prone to spots or only get the odd one it’s a quick fix, simple to use and clears them up within a few days. Main ingredients include Thyme, Rosemary and Tea Tree Infusion, Water, Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel and Fresh Sea Water. This product is Vegan.

If anyone has any suggestions of Lush related posts/any questions about any products then please leave a comment on this post or feel free to contact me through social media!



  1. 13th March 2016 / 8:44 PM

    I really wanna try these products now!

  2. 14th March 2016 / 2:44 AM

    love reading this. i got a lot of information from this post. it’s really useful 😀

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